Energy Saving Tips
1. In the summer, keep your windows open in the evening and overnight to allow cooler air into your home. Don’t forget to turn off your air conditioner. Close the windows and blinds during the day to keep the cool air in and the warm air out.
2. Use awnings and overhangs to keep the sun out of south-facing windows in the summer.
3. Consider upgrading the windows in your home. Select high efficiency windows with low-e coatings, argon gas fill and insulated spacers.
4. If you have single pane windows, add storm windows to cut heat loss by up to 50%.
5. Use clear plastic on windows to add more insulation and reduce icy drafts.
6. Seal all leaks around doors, windows and electrical outlets. Heat from your home escapes out of these cracks. You can save up to 20% on your heating bills by sealing leaks. Install foam gaskets behind outlets and switches or install plastic security caps.
7. If you live in a rural area, plant trees and shrubs as windbreaks around your home. This can reduce wind by up to 50% and heating costs from 20-40%. Place your windbreak at right angles to the prevailing winter winds.
8. Upgrade the insulation in your exterior walls, crawlspaces, basements and attics. If you have less than 7 inches of fiberglass or rock wool or 6 inches of cellulose in your attic you could benefit from adding more. Consider installing roof vents and inlets to improve ventilation.
9. To check if a door provides good insulation place your hand against it from the inside. If it feels cooler than the inside walls, it might be time to install a door that’s better insulated. Install fully insulated doors on all entrances to garages, cold storage rooms and un-insulated basements.
10. Avoid heating areas that are not insulated such as a garage, crawlspace or storage shed.
11. Make sure heating vents aren’t blocked by furniture or drapes and that the dampers are open.
12. Vacuum out dust and pet hair from registers and cold air returns so that your furnace runs more efficiently.
13. Check your water heater to make sure heat isn’t being lost from the surface. If it is hot or warm to the touch, you are losing heat. Wrap the heater in an insulating blanket. Be sure to check your user manual and labels on the tank first.
14. If you are building a new home, place your water heater as close to kitchen, bathrooms and laundry room as possible. Heat is lost through long pipes.
15. Adding a humidifier to your heating system may allow you to turn down your thermostat and be comfortable at lower temperatures.
16. Help conserve energy by using automatic timers, motion sensors, dimmers and solar cells.
17. Keep the garage door closed as much as possible.
18. Program your thermostat to 3-4 degrees lower temperature at night and when you are gone to work.
19. Check your furnace filter regularly and replace if it’s dirty.