Alberta One-Call
“The mission of Alberta One-Call Corporation is to prevent damage to buried facilities through education, advocacy, public awareness and dependable cost-effective communication and exchange of information between members and those intending to disturb the ground.”
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
The ministry is responsible for the policies, legislation, regulations and services necessary for Alberta’s agriculture, food and forest sectors to grow, prosper and diversify; inspires public confidence in wildfire and forest management and the quality and safety of food; supports environmentally sustainable resource management practices; and leads collaboration that enables safe and resilient rural communities.
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
The Alberta Energy Regulator is a regulatory body with a mandate to provide for the efficient, safe, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of Alberta’s energy resources.
Alberta Utilities Commission
The Alberta Utilities Commission regulates the utilities sector, natural gas and electricity markets to protect social, economic and environmental interests of Alberta where competitive market forces do not.
Rural Utilities Division, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
The Rural Utilities Branch is responsible for ensuring the safe and orderly development of natural gas distribution systems, conducting technical reviews, issuing approvals, development of policy issues respecting rural gas utility operations and business practices and regulation of gas co-ops.
Under the program, natural gas service has been provided to over 228,000 consumers through 74 participating utilities. Over 141,000 km of natural gas pipelines have been constructed making it the largest rural gas pipeline system in the world.
Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops
The Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops Ltd. based in Sherwood Park, AB is currently composed of 83 natural gas utilities throughout the province of Alberta. Providing rural Alberta with natural gas, the Federation members create the largest rural gas system in the world.
Gas Alberta Inc.
Gas Alberta Inc. is a private corporation owned by 79 natural gas utilities in Alberta . The Company’s primary mandate is to aggregate natural gas supplies for resale to its shareholders. We are proud to be an important part of Alberta’s rural heritage and will continue to provide our customers with a reliable and economic supply of natural gas.
Measurement Canada
Responsible for ensuring accuracy in the selling of measured goods, developing and enforcing the laws related to measurement accuracy, approving and inspecting measuring devices and investigating complaints of suspected inaccurate measurement.
Natural Gas Exchange
Provides electronic trading, central counterparty clearing and data services to the North American natural gas and electricity markets.
The Office of Energy Efficiency – Natural Resources Canada
The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE), Canada’s centre of excellence for energy conservation, energy efficiency and alternative fuels information, is playing a dynamic leadership role in helping Canadians save millions of dollars in energy costs while contributing to a healthier environment.
Alberta Supports
Government agencies can provide assistance to customers in regards to fees to reinstate services if gas service has been shut off.