Private Landowner Crossing/Proximity Agreement
As a private landowner when you are planning any ground disturbance within proximity to a Yellowhead Gas Co-op high pressure pipeline or right of way you must fill out the attached Crossing/Proximity Agreement. This includes not only mechanical excavation, but activities such as driving posts or stakes, drilling, digging, trenching, blasting and others, but excludes cultivation activities to a depth of less than 18″.
This agreement is required between the landowner and Yellowhead Gas Co-op as per Section 42 in the Pipeline Act. Failure to obtain agreements in advance of the ground disturbance, may result in the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) imposing substantial fines on all parties involved (i.e. 3rd party contractors, landowners, and licensee of the pipeline), should damages occur.
Prior to planning any ground disturbance please ensure you call Alberta One Call. Yellowhead Gas Co-op is a member of Alberta One Call, and has trained line locators who will respond to the Alberta One Call ticket, typically within 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays). The Co-op staff will have available to them blank templates of the attached agreement for field use, and can complete them within 48 hours after performing a line locate.
Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions or concerns or to discuss any planned ground disturbance activities.
Private Landowner Crossing/Proximity Agreement